Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Right to Bear Arms?

Sure, this is our Second Amendment right in America.  In the last few years though, the Supreme Court made some decisions regarding these rights… being that, the foundation is set for self-defense in the home.  This is your “natural right” being a citizen of the US of A, but should existing laws be stricter and change due to too many tragic shooting events?  Or should gun control laws be more lenient, as a means to self-defense in public?  As Sarah Palin so eloquently states, “Bad guys don’t follow laws.”  Thanks Sarah, for your intellect.  Totally different subject, but the equivalent goes for abortion laws.  Outlawing abortion will only escalate illegal abortions, because, “Bad girls don’t follow laws.”  Though, if our gun laws were in fact a little more lenient, then we could just shoot the nurses and doctors in the head, and/or blow up the clinics.  I’m sure that’s what Jesus would want anyway.  So yeah, I know it’s easy to acquire guns illegally, just as it is to score drugs… but should we be able to legally protect ourselves in public against gun-toting violent predators?  Sounds somewhat rational… but maybe we should leave this to the authorities, as America has changed dramatically since 1791.  Right?  (Mind you, I know the authorities aren't always up to par... but usually in tragic situations of the mass, they do their job).  Our world is over-populated with intelligent responsible citizens… as well as citizens who are dipshits.  These “dipshits” legally roaming the states carrying firearms scares the bejesus out of me for true... As it should you. I mean, c’mon, this isn’t the Wild West… there is this thing called law & order that we, as a society, have evolved into.  Or I would like to think we have.  (However, I don’t recommend proving this speculation in "certain parts" of the land of the free and home of the brave. Just sayin’).  But should intelligent responsible citizens with no criminal record be allowed to carry firearms legally?  No.  Hell no.  I’ve seen the best of people turn bat shit crazy from road rage alone (a major non-perk in Los Angeles).  The Trader Joe’s parking lot could turn into bloodshed… and I certainly wouldn’t want to be in the middle of a drunken bar brawl, or be around a hungry man who got the wrong order at the local Chick-fil-A, after his wife just left him for a hot Nascar driver.  I think going to a frat party on a college campus would be pretty cool, it the frat brothers were armed.  Isn't that an invitation for date rape? I guess I could bring my gun to the party though... to protect myself.  I’m not trying to make a joke of this… it’s true, it just takes one person, decent or not, to snap.  As for the controversy of being able to protect yourself in an unfortunate mass shooting incident… Well, guess what… I’m just thinking aloud here, but I really do believe fighting fire with fire would turn into utter mayhem, resulting in even more deaths and injuries… especially, perhaps, in a barely visible, dark theater filled with tear gas.  I can only imagine all the non-trained, wannabe heroes, pumped for action… just looking to save the world.  Yeah, color me stupid for believing this.  Overall, it really isn’t that difficult to go through the process of getting a gun permit and owning your very own shiny weapon or weapons plural.  I could just sum this up in one sentence:  guns are dangerous.  If you feel the need to go shooting, there are many facilities where you can do so safely… or maybe go to a desolated area and shoot up your leftover Coors cans (but please stay away from Bambi.  Please?)  If you want to play cop, maybe join the police force?  Oh, remember though, you have to pass the psychological exam first.  Maybe join the Marines?  Kill, kill, kill, etc. (I'm not ripping on the military... I applaud most of our men in the service, and consider them America's heroes).  If you just want to be a gun-toting, anti-government freedom fighter, or spread your holier than thou, hillbilly freak mentality… then join a militia… but please stay the hell out of my sight.  Here’s a thought, save your money you’d normally spend on ammo and use it to go to college. Though, I don’t think universities are with the times yet… as they don’t allow guns on campus.  Damn.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."  Okay, but the people doing the killing are using said guns to kill, right?  Not everyone is Chuck Norris or a trained Black-Op.  But I know, It’s our right and “American Freedom” to bear arms.  Give me a fucking break.

P.S.  I own a revolver.  It's safely put away in my home... I only use it for pistol-whipping.  I can’t imagine carrying it around town in my dashing holster or purse, like to the movies, or the mall… or grocery store and what not.  In my opinion, that is just savage.

The end.


  1. in Switzerland, Every family owns a gun, and they have the lowest rate of gun related crime. Coincidence? An armed society is a polite society. Wanna scare the beejezus out of a crimnal? Carry a gun. Wanna stop crime, carry your own gun everywhere. People tend to be very polite, if they think the other person has a gun or MAY have gun. Sure if everyone carried a gun, the fascist police who live off of our tax dollars, wouldnt like that. But then again, how much "crime" do they stop? Its a two year felony to pull a gun on anyone in my state. You cant take the law into your own hands. Think of the thousands of domestic abuse cases against women and children that wouldnt happen, if Mommy carried a gun. Spree killlers are an anomoly. Imagine what may have happened if a law abiding citizen had shot back? Lives would likely have been saved in Colorado. Law abiding citizens who open carry weapons arent the ones creating the crime, but they are the ones who could STOP it. People arent just allowed to carry a gun. A concealed weapons permit, and an open carry permet both require you to pass a course and a background check.
    By the way, 53 million children have been aborted since 1973 legally in America. The incidence of women dying from an abortion is three times higher than a woman having a child. Just sayin.
    I dont own a gun.

  2. Guess what? Healthcare in Switzerland is universal and regulated by a Federal Health Insurance Act. So comparing Americans to the Swiss is clearly irrational. Also, there's a way to prevent abortion... and that's called birth control.

  3. How about we keep guns legal and make ammunition illegal? Let's say these gun nuts argue their way out of that conundrum.

  4. @ Joe College Educated American:

    Hi Joe,
    I was born and raised in Switzerland and moved to New York City in 1988 when I was 27. I travel all through the USA for business on a weekly basis, so I feel uniquely informed to set you straight on some of your misconceptions.
    First of all not every family in Switzerland owns a gun. We certainly never had one. What you most likley refer to is the fact that men in Switzerland are required to join the military at 18 for 17 weeks straight and rejoin the military service approximately every 2 years for 3 weeks until they're 50 years old. During that tenure men are required to keep their rifle at home unloaded and locked away in the attic until it's time to show up for training again, and if somebody of the army goes to jail or has to quit the army for psychological reasons the weapon goes back to the army arsenal. However, many guys like myself and my 2 brothers found ways not to do the military service and therefore have no weapons at home, never even fired one. I have never met a swiss man dumb enough to let this firearm laying around his kids or taking it to a movie theater for protection. It's illegal and simply not done, and to legally obtain a gun is extremely difficult and expensive. So much for that stereotype.
    To get a bit deeper on that subject one has to look at an aspect of Swiss history:
    Switzerland was founded in 1291 by a few hundred farmers who decided not to take the abuse anymore by the bigger and stronger tribes that were around at the time, e.g. Austrians, Habsburgians or Saxons just to name a few. So my ancestors were used to successfully protect themselves for over 700 years, to have a firearm in the attic is hardly exciting to anybody.
    Furthermore Switzerland is an extremely rich country with excellent social services, my mother and brother are both social workers and told me hundreds of heartbreaking stories as well as heartwarming ones. There are very few people living on the streets per capita compared to the USA, and much less street crime. But to suggest that the reason for that relatively safe state is the fact that many men have rifles padlocked away in their attic is ludicrous and laughable. I often wonder how it would have been if Switzerland was a Third World Country as opposed to the Land Of Milk And Money.
    When I first moved to America I had culture shocks on many levels, street crime was rampant in 80's NYC, I used to hear gun shots all the time. Also shocking was to see parents taking children of all ages to violent movies.... not done in Switzerland. There is no PG-17 rating, either you're 17 years old or they won't let you in the movie theater, parents or no parents present. Kids have a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality, and to show them images of heads being blown off pollutes their minds and desensitizes them to violence. Interesting how kids are allowed to watch movies like SAW 4 but are not allowed to see a pair of tits on screen, though the memory of Mommy's mammary glands is still fresh on their mind but the imagery of human limbs being chopped off is clearly a new and extremely traumatic experience.
    There is also way too much TV watching in the USA. Television does not replace a babysitter. It's not healthy, kids become addicted to it. Many swiss people watch very little TV, and after watching the TV goes off. No second hand mind pollution, either watch it or don't.

    So much for this topic.
    Amen - Kaspar Galli
